Sedation Dentistry San Antonio, TX

Enjoy stress-free dental care with Dominion Ridge Dentistry’s sedation dentistry.
If you’re someone who gets nervous or anxious about visiting the dentist, sedation dentistry may be the answer for you. At Dominion Ridge Dentistry, we understand that dental anxiety is a common problem. But we want to help you get the oral healthcare you need, even if you’re afraid of the dentist. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry services. We’ll make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable during your dental care.

Sedation Dentistry Services in San Antonio

We offer sedation dentistry services to make your experience more comfortable and less stressful. Our team works with you to determine the right level of sedation for your individual needs and comfort level. Some of the sedation options we offer include oral sedation, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation.
Oral Sedation

Take a pill before your appointment to help you relax during your visit. You will need an escort home.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedative. We administer it through a nasal mask to puts you at ease. You’ll stay relaxed throughout your appointment.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is a more advanced option for patients with extreme dental anxiety or more extensive procedures. We monitor your vitals to ensure you're safe during the process. Someone must drive you home.

Benefits of Sleep Dentistry

Sedation dentistry provides many benefits. Some of the top ways it helps our patients include:

Count on Us for Sedation Dental Services in San Antonio, TX

The entire dental team at Dominion Ridge Dentistry is committed to providing you a better dental experience. We offer sedation dentistry to help reduce your overall dental anxiety. We’re available to answer any questions you may have and will do everything we can to ensure you have a comfortable treatment.

Don’t let dental fear keep you from getting the care you need. Schedule your next dental appointment in San Antonio at Dominion Ridge Dentistry today!

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Dominion Ridge Dentistry offers a complete range of dental care services. Visit us for preventative dental care, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and everything in between. Our most common dental services include: 

Schedule Your Dental Appointment Today!

We are excited to meet you and help you achieve optimal oral health. Schedule your appointment with our San Antonio dental clinic online now or give us a call at (210) 698-6262. We look forward to seeing you soon!